Various extra curricular
activities carried out in Banasthali University are very much related to
extension, community welfare and interaction programme. An integrated efforts is
being made through activities in N.SS, Banasthali Sewa Dal (Guiding & NCC
combined) FM Radio and other outreach programmes
Banasthali Sewa Dal (BSD) |
Banasthali Vidyapith has established Banasthali Sewa Dal (BSD) which trains the students in building physical and mental robustness which gives an opportunity for all round development of students through Physical Training, Parade, Physical exercise, weapon handling, map reading, signaling girl guiding, Team building etc. BSD conducts training camp throughout the year which helps in building all round personality of students but educating the students to contribute toward social welfare. The activities encompass aspects like Literacy, Population Control etc. and the students reach out to villagers and carry out the social welfare activities. Students associate themselves with community development work to enhance the development work, thereby enhancing their rangering ability. Literacy campaign accomplishes objectives of imparting the illiterates writing, reading ability and providing basic mathematical knowledge.
Population control education leads to making women aware of their health and wellbeing. Rangers conduct body examination of rural children to make them aware about good health, hygiene and sanitation. They also attend ailing villagers in primary health centers. Thus, they contribute toward adult literacy.
Vaccination immunization programmes are conducted in rural areas through door to door campaign. BSD students assists villagers in opening bank account. They also ensure environment conservation through plantation and protection of natural flora and fauna.
Banasthali Seva Dal has been introduced in the Vidyapith to train the students in March past, Ceremonial Parade and Rifle Shooting. Banasthali Seva Dal also runs the programme of girl guide, which has been registered with “Bharat Scouts and Guides” in the year 1988-89. It organizes the camps for girl guides and the eligible guides are selected to take part in state and national level camps. A number of students from the Vidyapith have been honoured with “Rashtrapati Award”. Two of our guides have been selected to attend the international events of the World association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts at Pune (WAGGGS).
National Service scheme
(NSS) aims at arousing social consciousness of the youth with an overall
objective of personality development of the students through community service.
Also youth can play catalytic role in accelerating the process of national
development. Keeping this objective in mind, Banasthali University is running
students centered programme i.e. NSS. Every year most of the under graduate
students enroll in NSS. Seven villages have been adopted by NSS wing In the
beginning of session, survey is done by NSS volunteers to identify the problems
prevalent in the village.
Programmes are then
planned and implemented in the villages through regular activities and special
one day and ten days camping programmes.
Over the years NSS has
made significant contribution in the field of literacy, health and family
welfare, water conservation, environment enrichment and various social
Awareness in villagers is
created through lectures, sheet play and with the help of audio visual aids like
films, documentary, charts and posters. Help of experts in various fields is
also taken for this purpose Various social issues have been dealt with like
women and child education, child marriage, alcoholism, dray addition. AIDS,
gender equality etc. Health campus are also organized from time to
Plantation has always been
very important agenda of NSS, Besides doing plantation on vast scale every year,
lectures are organized on the cause and consequence of environmental degradation
and encouraging plantation.