Master of Technology- M.Tech. (Computer Science) - 2 Years
I Semester
II Semester
1.Distributed Computing
1.Advanced Topics in Algorithms
2.Elective I
2.Elective I
3.Elective II
3.Elective II
4.Elective III
4.Elective III |
5.Elective IV
5.Elective IV
Semester III & IV
Reading Elective I, II &
Thesis / Project work of minimum 30 weeks duration
List of Electives:
1. Advanced Computer Architecture
16. Machine Translation
2. Advanced Communication Networks
17. Microprocessor and Microcomputer Applications
3. Advanced Database Management System
18. Mobile Computing
4. Artificial Intelligence
19. Modelling and Simulation
5. Compiler Design
20. Natural Language Processing
6. Computer Graphics
7. Data Communication and Networks
8. Data Warehouse and Data Mining
23. Pattern Recognition and Image Processing
9. Digital Signal Processing
10. Electronic Commerce (Reading Elective)
25. Semantic Web (Reading Elective)
11. Embedded Systems
26. Soft Computing
12. Geographic Information System
27. Systems Programming
13. Human Computer Interaction
28. System Testing
14. Information Retrieval
29. Theory of Computation
15. Java Programming
30. Web Development & NET framework